A bit about me
Those of you that know me know I’m very passionate about what I do. I can’t help myself and will talk forever about physio stuff given the opportunity! I enjoy what I do and have many areas of interest which have led me down many paths of learning. Trying to sum up everything I do to develop this website has been so hard!
I started out in the NHS (too many years ago for it to be polite to say!) over in Sunderland as a newcomer to the North East. Originally from Grimsby, I studied in Leeds so I often felt like I needed an interpreter in my early days up north!
I made the move into private practice in 2007 and really landed on my feet, the clinic I worked at had an inspiring lead physio and amazing team. In my 12 years there I had some great opportunities. From supporting performers touring in the area such as Dancing on Ice, the RSC and many professional dance companies to screening local dance students, supporting Team GB hopefuls on university elite athlete programs and teaching local refuse collectors’ Pilates. I enjoyed every (varied!) minute.
I decided after a few years I needed to get back into more formal learning so I enrolled on the Post-Graduate program in Sports Physiotherapy at The University of Bath where I completed my PG Diploma in 2014.
In 2016 my son Benjamin was born followed by Olivia in 2018. Juggling childcare for two little ones and not wanting to miss out on those early years led me to be brave enough to venture out alone and so ‘InTouch Physiotherapy’ was born. The business
started in June 2019 and has grown from there.
A bit about the clinic....

Coronavirus has impacted us all in various ways. Learn how I am working to keep us all safe....
The clinic during coronavirus
Opening Hours
You can contact me anytime by email joanne@intouchphysiotherapy.co.uk please include a contact telephone number and I will get back to you asap. Please be aware that as a busy mum of two young children that may not always be immediately but I aim for within 24hrs.
For urgent queries you are best contacting me on my mobile 07399532664.
Clinic hours can be flexible by arrangement to meet individual circumstances but regular clinic hours are usually:
Monday 9.45-3.30pm
Tuesday 9.45-2.30pm
Wednesday 9.45-5pm
Thursday 9.00-5pm 6-9pm
Friday 9.00-5pm