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Our bodies are amazing! lets look after them....
I have always treated ladies at various stages in their pregnancy but in 2016 my son Benjamin was born, followed by Olivia in 2018. As my life naturally changed my clinical practise did also, I updated my training to build these experiences into my clinical practise and ensure I was completely up to date with the latest research. The science underpins my practise as I support ladies during this period but hopefully this is delivered with an insightful and practical approach in light of personal experience!
When you consider the changes, our body goes through both during and after pregnancy it is not surprising how commonly I speak to ladies who are struggling with the demands on their body. This can often present ante-natally as we try to maintain work, other siblings and exercise. Post-natally joint pain from repetitive actions such as nappy changes, lifting heavy car seats, feeding postures can all take their toll. Some of the most common areas I work with ladies on are PGP/SPD, back pain, diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction.
Returning to exercise post-natally can be challenging too, you’ve past your 6 week check at the GP but that doesn’t necessarily mean everything is quite ready for just throwing on the trainers and getting back at it. With the right guidance I can get you safely back on track with your exercise goals.
Pelvic health is fast emerging as the most talked about area of physiotherapy. It is no longer a taboo subject whether its 'just a bit of leakage', pelvic organ prolapse or painful sex. Anything that affects our physical function and has such a massive effect on our mental well-being needs to be talked about!
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